
Garage door safety

The garage door is an essential part of your home and can be said to be the largest moving object in your home. Therefore, you want it to remain in proper condition to avoid any type of inconvenience or damage to you or your belongings. Here are a few tips to help keep your garage doors safe and durable.

1. Place the Remote Out Of Reach

Try to keep the remote out of the reach of children in some hidden or unknown places. Do not let them play with the remote as pressing the button too often at once will not only use the battery much faster, but may cause an issue to your garage door opener.

2. Inspect Doors Monthly

It is vital to inspect the door every month by looking for any damage to the cables, torsion springs, pulleys, rollers, tracks and safety sensors. If you detect any other type of issue then contact the local garage door repair service immediately for assistance. Do not attempt spring, cable, or any other repairs yourself, something to emphasize to your children while scheduling professional maintenance.

3. Keep A Check On Safety Sensors

The safety sensors are attached to the rails next to the bottom of your garage door, a few inches off the ground. The door should automatically reverse when it comes in contact with any object. If it doesn’t or you notice any other issues, contact your local garage door contractor immediately.

4. Keep the Password Secret

The safety sensors are attached to the rails next to the bottom of your garage door, a few inches off the ground. The door should automatically reverse when it comes in contact with any object. If it doesn’t or you notice any other issues, contact your local garage door contractor immediately.

5. Test The Serve And Auto-Serve

It is essential for the doors to have a reversing mechanism that allows the door to change its direction if anything comes in its path. One may test the auto-serve by placing a full roll of towels below the center and then try to push the button close to the garage door. The force should be tested to ensure that the door is effectively getting pushed up and down.
Overall, the above safety precautions should always be taken for the repair of garage doors to ensure long-lasting functionality.

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